2016-02-21 12:06 AM
I have install toolchain and openOCD for eclipse. I have configure also.But it is showing related to PATH.here is error [code]13:27:47 **** Incremental Build of configuration Default for project encoder **** all Cannot run program '''': Launching failedError: Program '''' not found in PATHPATH=[C:\STM32Toolchain\Build Tools\bin\]13:27:47 Build Finished (took 138ms)[/code]Please suggest on same. #!stm32 #eclipse2016-02-21 5:00 AM
Do you add toolchain to system PATH?
You using ARM plugin ot not?2016-02-21 5:41 AM
You should add more info, otherwise it's hard to give help. Have you installed GNU ARM Eclipse plug-ins and related build tools by Liviu Ionescu?
faithfully you should be able to setup a complete tool-chain. If something is not clear, feel free to ask.