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How to send an image located on a USB drive to the display?

Senior II
The USB drive is connected to the STM32F407VGT6, this USB drive contains images, I need to send these images to the display.
I already know how to send to the display an array that is located on a USB drive.
I convert the image into an array, for example with the program Image2Lcd Ver3.2 
And I send this array to the display with the following code:


char line[100];
uint32_t Num;
while(f_gets(line, 2, &USBHFile))
if(line[0] == 'x' || line[0] == 'X')
        char hex[10]={"0x"};
        f_gets(line, 3, &USBHFile);
        Num=strtol(hex, NULL, 16);
        while(!(SPI1->SR & SPI_SR_TXE));
        SPI1->DR = Num;
        while(!(SPI1->SR & SPI_SR_TXE));


I don't understand now how to send images to the display without conversion.
I need at least an algorithm of actions. I don’t understand what needs to be done in order to send an image to the display without converting the image to an array.

Accepted Solutions

The images will be an array of actual bytes, not hex encodings in ASCII, and might be in a graphics file format like JPEG or BMP.

A BMP file can describe several different bit/colour depths, and usually in a raster line format.

You'd read data with f_read(), or on a PC with fread(). Suggest you get a File View or File Manager were you can inspect and understand the byte level content as in the file, and as read directly into memory.

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View solution in original post


The images will be an array of actual bytes, not hex encodings in ASCII, and might be in a graphics file format like JPEG or BMP.

A BMP file can describe several different bit/colour depths, and usually in a raster line format.

You'd read data with f_read(), or on a PC with fread(). Suggest you get a File View or File Manager were you can inspect and understand the byte level content as in the file, and as read directly into memory.

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If I now convert the image to an array then get this type of data in a text file:

0XC6,0X10,0XC6,0X10,0X86,0X10,0XC6,0X10,0XC6,0X10,0XC6,0X10,0XC7,0X10,0XC7,0X10, 0XC7,0X10,0XC7,0X10,0XC7,0X10,0XC7,0X10,0XC7,0X10,0XC7,0X10,0XC7,0X10,0XC7,0X10,

I read a text file with the function

 f_gets(line, 2, &USBHFile)

I can also read the image using the f_gets function and get the same data type? 

0XC6,0X10,0XC6,0X10,0X86,0X10,0XC6,0X10,0XC6,0X10,0XC6,0X10,0XC7,0X10,0XC7,0X10, 0XC7,0X10,0XC7,0X10,0XC7,0X10,0XC7,0X10,0XC7,0X10,0XC7,0X10,0XC7,0X10,0XC7,0X10,

I tried, it doesn't work. Maybe I'm opening the image incorrectly?

I opened the text file like this:


f_open(&USBHFile, "image.txt", FA_READ);


I tried to open the image like this:


f_open(&USBHFile, "5_16.bmp", FA_READ);


Maybe this is wrong?

>>The images will be an array of actual bytes, not hex encodings in ASCII
Ok, sorry, I understand.
I'll try now

I almost succeeded, but for some reason the image is of poor quality and upside down.
When I sent the converted array to the display, the image was not upside down.
The image is 128x160 in size, so in the for loop (128*160)/2
The coordinates were entered correctly, there are no problems with the coordinates.
The "uint32_t byte;" parameter is 32 bit, so I send the data 4 times via SPI.
My SPI1->DR register is 8 bit.
Here I get 4 bytes f_read(&USBHFile, &byte, 4, &k);


f_open(&USBHFile, "5_16.bmp", FA_READ);
uint32_t byte;
unsigned int k;
for(int i=0; i<(128*160)/2;i++)
      f_read(&USBHFile, &byte, 4, &k);
      while(!(SPI1->SR & SPI_SR_TXE));
      SPI1->DR = byte>>24;
      while(!(SPI1->SR & SPI_SR_TXE));
      SPI1->DR = byte>>16;
      while(!(SPI1->SR & SPI_SR_TXE));
      SPI1->DR = byte>>8;
      while(!(SPI1->SR & SPI_SR_TXE));
      SPI1->DR = byte&0xFF;
      while(!(SPI1->SR & SPI_SR_TXE));


Am I doing something wrong?

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

You think a byte is 32 bits? Seriously?


uint32_t byte;

32 bits== 4 bytes

No, of course not, I didn't think so.

The variable name is probably just wrong.

If I thought so, I wouldn't shift the bits in the "byte" variable
SPI1->DR = byte>>24;

I only needed one byte from the "byte" variable, so I called it that.
My SPI1->DR register is 8 bit.

Pavel A.
Evangelist III