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How to integrate SDIO or any other library in Simulink for STM32-MAT?

Associate II

Dear community!

Is there an instruction on how to integrate ready-made libraries into a Simulink for STM32 MAT as it is done for Arduino? For example, to work with an SD card using SDIO or SPI? There should be a way to work with the SDIO or SPI SD card without manually prescribing the initialization algorithm and the FAT management system. It is much easier to use a ready-made C / C ++ library for this. Can integration be done with the help of a Simulink S-function block?



Was the only ST employee (visibly) supporting the STM32-MAT stuff, not sure I've seen him here recently.

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Associate III

Any update in the integration of SD card library in simulink blocks?

Associate II


Interest in STM32-MAT seems pretty shallow here, perhaps you can start/fund a project that achieves your goals?

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you should be able to use S-Function builder into your Simulink model and integrate .c and .h path from "Configuration parameters" window > "STM32 Project Files"

Regarding librairies,  it is not done today, you can try to add it in the .c files list.

If it doesn't work, you can add it manually to the list of .c files into the .extSettings generated file( [Groups] MATLAB )

Best regards
