2017-12-26 4:58 AM
hi everyone, i am very new with microprocessor. i get a STM32F429I developer kit to learn. right now, i am trying image processing with stm32 using OV9655 camera (i can use any camera or protocols). i aim to object detection. when a red object detects, one of the leds will lit. i have no problem with image processing algorithm but i have no idea how to demonstrate such an application with STM32. i am waiting your advice and let me know the steps that i need to do .
#camera-tool ##stm32f4 #stm32f429i-discovery #image-processing2018-01-02 7:48 AM
,I recommend you to have a look to examples under the STM32CUBF4 it may help you to start:
2018-01-02 9:35 AM
i am very new with microprocessor
Note that STM32F4 is more of a micro-controller than a micro-processor.
Wouldn't something like a Raspberry Pi be more suitable?
Do you have any experience of programming in general?