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How to handle "2019 STM32 Wish List"

Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

Is there any easy way to get to the newest contributions in above thread? It is over 100 entries long and to get to the bottom, where newest contributions reside, requires tedious scrolling, clicking, waiting for reload, scroling, clicking ... etc.

Is this for real for some forum software?


It's to use END key more often ��


Yes, an option to present a thread in REVERSE order with the latest on top would be much more civilized. I'm guessing this was already invented and in use elsewhere?

> I'm guessing this was already invented and in use elsewhere?

It usually requires several ST forum incarnations to come around here.

Looks like usability was not yet a high priority item for the current incarnation...

Brian Kling
Senior III

You can bookmark the thread to get the latest updates:

That is not related to this topic's question about "Press END => click More answers => wait" loop.

And by the way those bookmarks don't give the latest updates. They don't show the content, user, date, time, nothing of the latest post from the particular topic! To actually check it, You have to open that topic. Heck, You can't even simply delete topic from bookmark list - even for that You have to open it!

Saying this "forum engine" is non-ergonomic and slow is an understatement by far. IMHO in the 21st century this "forum engine" can not be counted as a forum engine at all. Maybe it qualifies as something that can be called "unstructured hipster-twitter-wall".

Do you have email notifications turned on for bookmarks? If so, you *do* get an email with some of the latest post, date, author, etc. as well as identifying if they are replying to a particular comment.

OK so the challenge is on: find the newest, 111th post to the 2019 Wishlist! ;-) (no, it's not at the bottom, of course, that would be too easy)


waclawek.jan: I totally agree. The forum software here has several problems but handling/sorting long threads is among the worst.

I believe post #111 was mine, and I specifically wanted you to see it. I realized it would be difficult to find but didn't know any better way to do it.

If you did see it and tried to find the post it referred to, that one got moved from the "Share Your Activities" tab to I don't know why -- "Share" is full of generic questions that don't belong there, and even some commercial products in violation of the guidelines posted on the page. Whatever. ST can do what they want with the content contributed to their site.

If you did track down my announcement and it wasn't of any interest to you, I apologize for the spam and waste of your time. I took the chance because it seemed on topic to things you've written here. All of your posts are interesting and informative. Thanks for making them.

@thanks4opensource​ @Community member​ the easiest way to make sure someone sees a post is to "@" mention them like I just did. Then they will either see the notification bell in the platform and/or receive an email, depending upon their settings.

It is as you can agree not natural for a discussion thread to go this long and is not typical; normally the conversations should be broken up as they do not stay on topic (like this one �� ). We need to provide a real "ideas" feature where each idea is a separate thing that organizes comments around that idea. This thread is a long collection of many ideas.

Share your Activities is just that and is clearly described as a place to share projects with ST products. If people post questions there they will be moved.