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How to get time stamp associated with each ADC value at high speeds?


I would like to trigger ADC conversions using a timer so that I can get the time associated with each sample. This is so that I can plot voltage vs time like an oscilloscope.

According to the datasheet, it seems like the maximum external ADC trigger is limited to 3.6 MHz, but I would like to have a 8 MHz trigger such that time and voltage are aligned. Is there any better way to do this if I am limited by the 3.6 MHz?

My goal is to have the ADC sampling at 8Msps. If this is known, I was thinking that I can calculate the time interval between each sample. However, I don't know how to verify the ADC sample rate other than through calculations.

I am using the STM32H743zit6. I am very new to microcontrollers, and I would appreciate any advice!


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>>If this is known, I was thinking that I can calculate the time interval between each sample.

Yes, like 1 / 8,000,000 th of a second

>>I am very new to microcontrollers, and I would appreciate any advice!

Ok, but what part of maximum rate do you struggle with here?

The machine is clocked synchronously, samples can be made at linear time intervals.

The H7 has a pair of ADC that can interleave, ie take alternating turns.

I'd suggest reading or skimming some of the Reference Manual and Data Sheet related to the units.

For high rate, perhaps pick a different ADC supporting the rate you want, and clock it over the DCMI parallel interface.

Alternatively clock an external ADC into a FIFO memory at high speed, and retrieve it at a lower/manageable rate?

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>>If this is known, I was thinking that I can calculate the time interval between each sample.

Yes, like 1 / 8,000,000 th of a second

>>I am very new to microcontrollers, and I would appreciate any advice!

Ok, but what part of maximum rate do you struggle with here?

The machine is clocked synchronously, samples can be made at linear time intervals.

The H7 has a pair of ADC that can interleave, ie take alternating turns.

I'd suggest reading or skimming some of the Reference Manual and Data Sheet related to the units.

For high rate, perhaps pick a different ADC supporting the rate you want, and clock it over the DCMI parallel interface.

Alternatively clock an external ADC into a FIFO memory at high speed, and retrieve it at a lower/manageable rate?

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