2018-07-06 7:09 AM
Sorry for my stupid question, but this makes me really confused. I was just looking for the the bus with connected with the EXTI, then I found that APB2 bus is connected as it is shown in the reference manual in here :
so here I attach the screenshot of the datasheet
But when I tried to activate the clock for APB2 bus in APB2ENR, I cannot find in what bit is the EXTI in.
Then I got confused in what bus and what bit is it to activate the clock for exti. Sorry for this stupid question, by the way I am a new learner
#stm-mcu #datasheet-inconsistency #stm32-interruptSolved! Go to Solution.
2018-07-06 7:41 AM
2018-07-06 7:41 AM
EXTI clock is always enabled.
2018-07-06 10:50 PM
So I dont have to enable it with APB2ENR ?
2018-07-07 5:56 PM
2018-07-07 10:57 PM
Thank you sir
2024-05-29 9:54 PM
How can I know whether the peripheral needs to have a clock enabled or not? Where exactly in Reference Manual/Datasheet should I look for this info?
2024-05-30 2:00 PM
A RCC_AHB2ENR_EXTIEN would be a strong sign that explicit enable is needed. absence of that bit is a stong sign that no explicit enable is needed. And to my knowledge no other STM32 needs explicit EXTI enable.
2024-05-30 2:24 PM
On the F1 isn't it part of the AFIO ? Been an age, but definitely a couple of things under the AFIO, perhaps SYSCFG/DBGMCU type stuff, would have to look at RM0008 again.