2019-01-29 2:53 PM
trying to create a simple web page. I am using an fsdata.c file from one of the example projects and everything seems to be working. Now, I created a simple html file and need to convert it to an fsdata.c file. I have looked up this topic at various forms and have come up short. Is there tool that would help me out with this that is current ?
2019-01-29 4:32 PM
2019-01-29 4:35 PM
2019-01-29 4:39 PM
where is a good source to get it? I have attempted a couple and links are either broken or it doesn't work.
2019-01-29 7:13 PM
That is exactly the one I attempted. Missing msvcr100d.dll and tried installing everything on
as well. I can't around that Missing msvcr100d.dll
2019-01-29 10:16 PM
> That is exactly the one I attempted. Missing msvcr100d.dll and tried installing everything on ... as well. I can't around that Missing msvcr100d.dll
Perhaps another DLL is missing that msvcr100d requires.
Try a tool like DependencyWalker to check the DLL for unresolved dependencies.
2019-01-31 5:57 PM
The makefsdata utility is part of the lwip distribution you can obtain here:
Download the latest distribution and build the utility from sources...
Hope that helps!
Best Regards, Dave
PS: Boo Hiss to ST for not including this (nor lwip changelog, release notes, etc) in the copy of lwip they distribute!
2019-02-01 7:23 AM