2012-07-18 6:21 AM
I am currently working on a project in which i have to interface SD card with STM32f100RB.
I did the same with 8bit PIC microcontroller using Application Library provided by Microchip.for STM32 i get a FATFs module named Chan Application Module modified by Martin Thomas But this code is tested for Gcc Toolchain . I am using Keil compiler. This code is not building with Keil compiler.Please help me in converting the code in Keil compiler compatible.Thanks in advance.2012-07-20 10:45 AM
''FatFs code is pervasive''
Indeed it is! It really shouldn't be hard to find examples with FatFs in Keil - at least one other Cortex-M3 vendor provides such examples ...''the only part you have to port to your memory/disk subsystem is in diskio.c. The bulk of FatFs can be dropped into Keil with no modification.'' But you will also have to ensure that all the configuration options are the correct...
2012-07-24 11:38 PM
2012-07-25 4:57 AM
In this project you will find an ftfs module and you will get how to use it.you can download that firmware in:then click on Design support and download the firmware.2012-07-25 11:51 AM
@ m.vinothraj... i want to record the wave file from ''audio playback and record'' project to the attatched microsd card....so can you help me in getting out this part working...or anyone else can do the same thing or can tell me how to do this part....
2012-07-25 12:11 PM
2012-07-26 4:07 PM
''i am posting the waverecorder.c code''
That code is just making calls to file functions like f_open(), f_write(), etc; it neither knows nor cares what particular storage medium is actually being used - USB Stick, SD-Card, Floppy Drive, whatever.
You need to find the implementation of those file functions, and convert them to work with the SD Card. Most likely, there will be a driver...2012-07-26 4:11 PM
''You need to find the implementation of those file functions''
From the foregoing discussion, that implementation is, presumably, FatFs?2012-10-17 12:15 AM
I have the same point in my mind that how to store file on sd card when storage media isn't usb instead it is sd card inserted in jacket mounted on eval board and this card is connected to the controller via SDIO interface2012-10-17 6:33 AM
I have the same point in my mind that how to store file on sd card when storage media isn't usb instead it is sd card inserted in jacket mounted on eval board and this card is connected to the controller via SDIO interface
The FatFs API is very simple, and modeled after the STDIO file routines, if you are familiar with doing File IO in C this should be pretty easy to do. There are also plenty of examples on the FatFs site.
2012-10-17 10:07 PM
Thank you so much