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How to configure NUCLEO-H755ZI for minimal configuration as SPI Slave using CubeMX ?


I am first time using NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q board for our project.
Here I am using it as a SPI slave and RaspberryPi4 as a Master SPI Device to transmit/receive data over SPI from MCU shown in attached image1. I have set RaspberryPi4Master SPI CLOCK as 24Mz.
I am not using CS pin

-> I just want to setup minimum configuration using CubeMX to setup Nucleo board as SPI Slave device for POC and to make sure able to flash firmware into Nucleo-board using CubeProgrammer.
-> Do I need to make any specific changes  to  make sure  flashing SPI Slave firmware for M7 core will bootup irrespective of M4 ?

Image1: Master and Slave Setup

Image2: Setting up SPI1 Config
->  Setting up SPI1 Config on M7 core using CubeMX as Full-Duplex Slave, 8bit, NSS signal Software,
CRC Disabled, SPI1 global interrupt enabled  
-> what is the usage of other Advance Parameters mentioned into SPI1 default Config do I need to setup those in my case ?

->Also default USART3 is enabled into both Core M7 and M4 ? what is the purpose of this peripheral into this board ? Can I disabled this peripheral as I just want to test SPI master and slave communication for POC.


Setting up SPI Clock to 23Mz
-> I was able to set SPI1(MCU SPI SLAVE) Clock Freq to 23Mz which is nearest to match RPI Master SPI clock 24Hz
-> Is this clock setting is correct to set ? If not  do I need to match SPI Slave clock same as SPI Master clock ?


Setting up SPI Clock to 24Mz
-> If I try to set SPI1 clock using CubeMX same as Master clock 24Mz its automatically resolving it to  26.666667Mz which is greater than Master SPI Clock 

Default System Core config:
-> What is the use of individual system core peripheral here ?
-> Why its not allowing to disable this peripherals for any of one core considering want to use only M7  so can disable M4?


Default Analog Config
-> What is use of VREFBUF ?
-> Can I disable VREFBUF as I am not using any ADC in my project ? Its shows Peripheral could not be removed from context as its Forced for this Peripheral 


Default Trace and Debug, Power and Thermal, Utilities , BSP Config

-> What is use of these default settings ?
-> Which setting I can disabled ? When trying to disable for all of these it shows:
" Peripheral could not be removed from context as its Forced for this Peripheral "


Middleware and Software Packs

Can I disabled all default packages from this section  as I am not using any of these packages just testing SPI  Master and Slave communication ? 
It shows: " Peripheral could not be removed from context as its Forced for this Peripheral "
