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How to access the DHCSR, DEMCR registers on the stm32l011f4p6 processor?


According to the RM0451 Reference manual (Ultra-low-power STM32L 0x0 advanced Arm ® -based

32-bit MCUs),

I use the SWD protocol to access debugging:

1. Turn on the power and set the reset

2. I initialize SWD

3. I get access to

1) SW-DP has an internal ID code 0x0BC11477

2) 0x10086457 is read by DBG_ID CODE Address 0x40015800

So far, everything matches the description.

But when trying to accessDHCSR or DEMCR, the protocol for the stm32l011f4p6 processor is disrupted: a reading error is issued, after which access to DBG_IDCODE disappears. For the stm32f030f4p6 processor, it works fine.

How do I access these registers?