2023-06-29 9:54 PM
Hello all,
I am trying to scroll an image in the STM32F746G Discovery Board, using the Scrollable Container widget that is available in the Examples of Touch GFX Designer through STM32CubeIDE. But unfortunately the image is not scrolling and displaying a static image. I've referred to the documentation for the Scrollable Container in the Touch GFX Designer but the information given, is not enough for displaying the dynamic image(scrolling of an image) on the Board.
Are there any external peripherals to be configured for scrolling the image and how to configure the peripherals in STM32CubeIDE?
2023-07-03 5:05 AM
And your ticket ask image scroll, but backgroundimage isnt part of container here
2023-07-03 5:18 AM
Thank you for your response..Now I got an idea and I have implemented it successfully on simulator..
And now my doubt is how the scrolling is initiated by touch?
2023-07-03 6:51 AM
If you need auto Solved: How can I do scrolling text? - STMicroelectronics Community
2023-07-03 9:09 PM
After seeing the file you have attached, I have tried and now my simulator works fine..
But how we can initiate the scrolling with Touch rather than the simulator?
2023-07-04 2:01 AM
I mean when your touch driver works , this work as in simulator
2023-07-04 11:13 PM
Hello @MM..1
Yes, I need an Image to be scrollable, but how the image is added in the Scrollable container, like in the example longTxt is in the part of scrollableContainer1.
2023-07-04 11:40 PM
Simply when you place red arrow click mouse and hold ... drag to any other level in tree