2022-12-21 1:56 AM
Reading the datasheet, pads PA11 and PA12 can be remapped to PA9/PA10.
I don't understand how this remapping works.
Variant A
This is a full swap, meaning that pads PA9/10 will exchange with PA11/12 ?
Variant B
Pads PA11/12 will be PA9/10.. having 2 pads for PA9 and 2 for PA10 ?
Variant C
Pads PA11/12 will be PA9/10... but older PA9/PA10 will be not connected ?!?
What is this useful for?
Becoming PA9/PA10 means that just having other PAD locations at package, but functions stays the same and belongs to PA9/10.
Thanks for clarifications
2022-12-21 2:15 AM
Variant A: PA9/10 replace PA11/12
Application: see the PA9/10 and PA11/12 functions. For example, depending on the particular design you may need UART on PA9/10 or USB on PA11/12.
2022-12-21 5:08 AM
It's useful only on the pin-constrained packages, not on packages where all PA9..12 are present.