2022-12-30 4:17 AM
I was trying to do baremetal programming and using L412 controller. I am facing trouble with I2C.
2022-12-30 5:13 AM
Hello @SSaiy.1
First let me thank you for posting .
To interface with an I2C sensor using the STM32L412RB microcontroller in a bare metal (no operating system) environment, you will need to follow these steps:
2.Initialize the I2C peripheral:
3. Communicate with the sensor:
Here is some sample code that demonstrates how to configure and use the I2C peripheral to read data from a sensor:
#define I2Cx_CLOCK_SPEED 100000
// I2C peripheral configuration
void I2C_Init(void)
// Enable I2C clock
// Configure I2C pins as alternate function
GPIOB->AFR[0] = (GPIOB->AFR[0] & ~(GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL8 | GPIO_AFRL_AFSEL9)) | (1 << (8 * 4)) | (1 << (9 * 4));
// Configure I2C peripheral
I2C1->CR1 &= ~I2C_CR1_PE; // Disable I2C
I2C1->TIMINGR = (0x1 << I2C_TIMINGR_PRESC_Pos) | (0x13 << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLL_Pos) | (0xF << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLH_Pos) | (0x2 << I2C_TIMINGR_SDADEL_Pos) | (0x4 << I2C_TIMINGR_SCLDEL_Pos); // Configure bus speed and timings
I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_PE; // Enable I2C
// Read data from I2C sensor
uint8_t I2C_Read(uint8_t address, uint8_t reg)
uint8_t data;
// Send start condition
I2C1->CR2 = (I2C1->CR2 & ~I2C_CR2_SADD)
2022-12-30 5:42 AM
Hi @Ghofrane is there any git repo with sample codes for this example
2022-12-30 5:51 AM
Hello again @SSaiy.1
I'm sorry, but I do not have access to any specific Git repositories that contain sample code for interfacing with an I2C sensor using the STM32L412RB microcontroller in a bare metal environment. However, there are many resources available online that may be able to help you with this task.
Here are a few suggestions for finding sample code and other resources for bare metal programming with the STM32L412RB:
I hope these resources are helpful. Good luck with your project!
2022-12-30 9:34 AM
Hi @Ghofrane GSOURI Thanks for the reply. I was able to initialise I2C. Could you please upload a complete read and write function examples for this controller. It would be very helpful.
2022-12-31 12:22 AM
I think ST should provide example in bare metal, for example reas write i2c eeprom memory....
2023-01-03 2:44 AM
We have so much example for HAL, ST should come with baremetal example as well. Specifically for L4 series not even a youtube video tutorial is available in baremetal