2022-08-01 12:32 AM
Hello everyone,
I have an STM32LO discovery board. Using it for a big project in IoT. How can i track the status of the onboard LED and write that data to the EEPROM?
Say the led is on, saves that status and duration, then sends it as a packet to TTN.
*Edited by moderation, please keep the title of your question shorter than 70 characters*
2022-08-01 1:38 AM
As it is your application that drives the LED, you already have all the information, and you can therefore save it.
2022-08-01 4:14 AM
Thanks, i will need to read more on EEPROM.
2022-08-01 4:27 AM
@NAfri.1 what?
Read status of any gpio:https://thecodeprogram.com/access-gpio-pin-states-with-odr-and-idr-in-stm32-stdperiph
Write/read Flash(eeprom?):(i would use RAM if i were you)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGkVkV0nXu8