2022-09-29 2:21 AM
I've been furiously googling for days and I can only find random libraries that people have written and most have been abandoned or are just so complex I cant get it working.
All I want to do is to log a line of data to a file on an SD card with the filename being the date. And then be able to read the file's data at a later stage.
A fairly simple task on an Arduino using their library but seemingly very difficult on an STM32. I've watched the digikey video on SPI on an STM32 which is fantastic so I have a handle on that but have no idea how to actually talk to the SD card.
I know I can program this with the Arduino IDE but the STM32 has so many capabilities that I would give up by not using CubeIDE.
Help on this would be much appreciated. I feel there should be a relatively simple solution I'm just not finding it.