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How can I find the registers' addresses of STM32L053R8

Associate III

To Andrew, SofLi

Hy Andrew and SofLi. I well received your last informations posted this week-end. Therefore it was week-end.

I test a NUCLEO board without ST-link; my computer is a Mac-mini and the NUCLEO board offers capabilities to be separate in to part, the ST-link microcontroller and the targeted microcontroller, enabling to reduce power consumption on plant. Bootloader offer capability to read and write any address in address space; then I think the simply way to give you understable informations it's to give you an excell file with the list of my search. Hoping this is nice to you, I hope an answer.

Best regards.




Accepted Solutions

Found in stm32l053xx.h (located under Drivers\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32L0xx\Include in STM32CubeL0 package) in attachment:


#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */

/*!< Peripheral memory map */
#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)

#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
#define TIM6_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
#define LCD_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002400UL)
#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
#define SPI2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003800UL)
#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
#define I2C2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005800UL)
#define CRS_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006C00UL)
#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
#define DAC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007400UL)
#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)

#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
#define FIREWALL_BASE         (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011C00UL)
#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
#define USART1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013800UL)
#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)

#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)

#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
#define TSC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004000UL)
#define RNG_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005000UL)

#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
#define GPIOD_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000C00UL)
#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)


Based on that, you can add the registers' offsets.

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View solution in original post


@butterfly wrote:

I well received your last informations posted this week-end.

Why not continue in that thread?

Please give a link so we can find what you're referring to.

I don't wish to open unknown XLSX files from the internet - sorry.

ST Employee


As I said in this thread,

The base address of the peripherals are provided in the reference manual.

Then you compute each register absolute address based on its offset of its related peripheral.

Absolute register address = peripheral start address + register offset


FLASH_ACR address offset = 0x0000 0000

Flash registers base address 0X4002 2000

FLASH_ACR Absolute address = 0X4002 2000 + 0x0000 0000 = 0X4002 2000


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@mƎALLEm wrote:

Then you compute each register absolute address based on its offset of its related peripheral.

@butterfly and, as already noted, ST provide a header file which has already done all those computations - and more - for you.

No need to re-invent the wheel!

Hy thanks to don't need to re-invent the wheel. In my file each register named is at an absolute address with a 0 offset. That mean for each peripheral there are different base addresses with offset for each following registers.

If you have an include file which can be part of standard delivery may I find it on a server dedicated to st-community or could you send me a copy?

Best regards.

Alain LE BLOA.

See your previous thread:

Again, what was the point in starting a new thread? Now you're just confusing the issue by having the discussion spread across two threads!

Found in stm32l053xx.h (located under Drivers\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32L0xx\Include in STM32CubeL0 package) in attachment:


#define PERIPH_BASE            (0x40000000UL) /*!< Peripheral base address in the alias region */

/*!< Peripheral memory map */
#define AHBPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x00020000UL)
#define IOPPERIPH_BASE        (PERIPH_BASE + 0x10000000UL)

#define TIM2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
#define TIM6_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
#define LCD_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002400UL)
#define RTC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002800UL)
#define WWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002C00UL)
#define IWDG_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
#define SPI2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003800UL)
#define USART2_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004400UL)
#define LPUART1_BASE          (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004800UL)
#define I2C1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005400UL)
#define I2C2_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005800UL)
#define CRS_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00006C00UL)
#define PWR_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007000UL)
#define DAC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007400UL)
#define LPTIM1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00007C00UL)

#define SYSCFG_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010000UL)
#define COMP1_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010018UL)
#define COMP2_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x0001001CUL)
#define COMP12_COMMON       ((COMP_Common_TypeDef *) COMP1_BASE)
#define EXTI_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010400UL)
#define TIM21_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00010800UL)
#define TIM22_BASE            (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011400UL)
#define FIREWALL_BASE         (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00011C00UL)
#define ADC1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012400UL)
#define ADC_BASE              (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00012708UL)
#define SPI1_BASE             (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013000UL)
#define USART1_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00013800UL)
#define DBGMCU_BASE           (APBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00015800UL)

#define DMA1_BASE             (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
#define DMA1_Channel1_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000008UL)
#define DMA1_Channel2_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000001CUL)
#define DMA1_Channel3_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000030UL)
#define DMA1_Channel4_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000044UL)
#define DMA1_Channel5_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000058UL)
#define DMA1_Channel6_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x0000006CUL)
#define DMA1_Channel7_BASE    (DMA1_BASE + 0x00000080UL)
#define DMA1_CSELR_BASE       (DMA1_BASE + 0x000000A8UL)

#define RCC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001000UL)
#define FLASH_R_BASE          (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00002000UL) /*!< FLASH registers base address */
#define OB_BASE               (0x1FF80000UL)        /*!< FLASH Option Bytes base address */
#define FLASHSIZE_BASE        (0x1FF8007CUL)        /*!< FLASH Size register base address */
#define UID_BASE              (0x1FF80050UL)        /*!< Unique device ID register base address  */
#define CRC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00003000UL)
#define TSC_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00004000UL)
#define RNG_BASE              (AHBPERIPH_BASE + 0x00005000UL)

#define GPIOA_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000000UL)
#define GPIOB_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000400UL)
#define GPIOC_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000800UL)
#define GPIOD_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00000C00UL)
#define GPIOH_BASE            (IOPPERIPH_BASE + 0x00001C00UL)


Based on that, you can add the registers' offsets.

To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on "Accept as Solution" on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.  click on STM32L0xx @ b3b1d7b -> Include ->

You are supposed to #include "stm32l0xx.h" while having defined STM32L053xx symbol (i.e. either #define STM32L053xx before the #include; or better, -DSTM32L053xx in command-line). stm32l0xx.h will include also relevant generic-ARM CMSIS headers from




For the NUCLEO L053R8 board, go to the Product Page, and look under 'Tools & Software':



Look at the 'MCU & MPU Embedded Software' section - the STM32CubeL0 pack will have what you need:
