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How can I contact smt32f103vc and stm32f407 with CANBUS protocol without transceiver?

kadir ustun1

Hello everyone,

I want to contact STM32F103VC and STM32F407 with canbus protocol without transceiver.

I set baudrate 60kHz. but I can not send or receive data. Can you hel please ?

Thank you.

Lead III

Should work at least for short distances.

Have you tried the devices separately, in loopback mode ?

kadir ustun1

Actually, stm32f407 is working another bord. but I havent tried stm32f103 yet. Distance is short.

Keil published a method using diodes to achieve a low-cost CAN connection.

See "Tiny Network without Transceiver ICs"

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in loopback mode stm32f103 is taking own value.

Yes, I know.

If you receive you own transmissions, cross-connecting the Tx/Rx lines to the other device would be the next step.

I hope you did not forget a GND connection, if the devices don't share a common GND on one power supply.

The devices sahare GND. but I use one wire for communication bus. so I have a wire for data and a wire GND

I did circuit. But I can not send data.

Does it gives some error or status indication?

A CAN transmitter needs a responding node. You'd need a receiving device with the matching baud rate to acknowledge the packet.​

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Actually, I wrote this code to send data. But this condition's resutl is CAN_TxStatus_Failed.

 if(CAN_TransmitStatus(CAN1, 0) == CAN_TxStatus_Ok)

     CAN_Transmit(CAN1, &CanTransmitMessage);