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Hi, please where can I find any example how to open/write/read a file in the flash for the stm32l4?

Associate II



Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

A "file" is quite a complex concept. What kind of file do you mean?

STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.16.0\Projects\32L4R9IDISCOVERY\Applications\FatFs\FatFs_uSD_Standalone ??



Internal Flash, probably no, its not how people generally approach the problem.

You can create resource trees, or file system type structures, and put them in memory permanently, perhaps wrapping them with file system type access functions to make porting easier.

Perhaps look at MKFSDATA type tools used by LWIP, or similar tools, to create a faux web server

If needing an actual file system, perhap FATFS onto MicroSD cards, or eMMC chips.

Can be done with QSPI NOR Flash, or NAND/NOR Flash generally, but you get to own a lot more of the fine details.

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txt file

Just one, of manageable size, perhaps carve some space in the upper reach of the internal flash sectors, store the data, provide means to erase/write new content.

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Yes a want a small txt file in the internal flash, thanks.

Where can I find any examples? please

I am using the B-L4s5I-IOT01A board