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Hello, I'm using STM32L4R5ZI with embOS OS( used released version) for my application. I've implemented boot-loader now for my application. I've set VTOR(SCB->VTOR ) as per my application flash start address and i relocate interrupt table to RAM.

Associate II

STM32L4R5ZI has SRAM1 (0x20000000 - 0x2002FFFF) , SRAM2 (0x20030000 - 0x2003FFFF) and SRAM 3 (0x20040000 - 0x2009FFFF).

I move VTOR table as per my Application Flash starting address. In code, I relocate Interrupt table to RAM for my own ISR handlers ( HalInterruptTableRelocate( uint32_t address) )

I face issue while relocating interrupt vector table to RAM.

If Relocate interrupt table to 0x2003000(SRAM2 base address) locations, everything works normal.

if i relocate to any other RAM location(ex.0x20000000) , application doesn't run. I attached my target to debug, where i notice, control hits SystemInit() and then generate a hardfault instead of entering to Main().


An instruction executed with an invalid EPSR.T or EPSR.IT field (CFSR.INVSTATE)


I've considered 'Interrupt Table Relocation RAM address shall be MOD of 4".

Theoretically, I should be able to relocate to any SRAM address , is not it??

Can any one please help me on this?


void SystemInit(void)


 /* FPU settings ------------------------------------------------------------*/

 #if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1) && (__FPU_USED == 1)

  SCB->CPACR |= ((3UL << 10*2)|(3UL << 11*2)); /* set CP10 and CP11 Full Access */


 /* Reset the RCC clock configuration to the default reset state ------------*/

 /* Set MSION bit */


 /* Reset CFGR register */

 RCC->CFGR = 0x00000000U;

 /* Reset HSEON, CSSON , HSION, and PLLON bits */


 /* Reset PLLCFGR register */

 RCC->PLLCFGR = 0x00001000U;

 /* Reset HSEBYP bit */


 /* Disable all interrupts */

 RCC->CIER = 0x00000000U;

 /* Configure the Vector Table location add offset address ------------------*/


 SCB->VTOR = SRAM_BASE | VECT_TAB_OFFSET; /* Vector Table Relocation in Internal SRAM */


 SysTick->CTRL &= ~(SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT_Msk);


 SCB->VTOR = (unsigned int)&__intvec_start__; /* Vector Table Relocation in Internal FLASH */ 




relocate code::

if i pass: 0x20030000 , it works, but doesn't work for 0x20000000 or 0x20040000.

#ifdef __ICCARM__

#if (__VER__ < 500)

#pragma segment="VTABLE"


#pragma section="VTABLE"

#endif // #if (__VER__ < 500)

 #pragma data_alignment=256

 __no_init unsigned int IvtRamMain[IVT_ENTRIES] @ "VTABLE";


#error "The position should be forced in RAM @ a specific address

#endif /* __ICCARM__ */

HalInterruptTableRelocate( uint32_t Address ) {

  HalStatus Result = HAL_SUCCESS;

  uint32_t OriginalNvicAddress = 0U;

  uint32_t IrqNvicId = 0U;

  uint32_t ReadAddress = 0U;

  uint32_t WriteAddress = 0U;

  uint32_t IrqCallbackAddress = 0U;

    /* Get Start address of original Vector Table */

    OriginalNvicAddress = SCB->VTOR;

    /* Copy IVT from Original to RAM */

    ReadAddress = OriginalNvicAddress;

    WriteAddress = Address;

    while (IrqNvicId < IVT_ENTRIES) {

      IrqCallbackAddress = *(volatile uint32_t *) ReadAddress;

      *(volatile uint32_t *) WriteAddress = (uint32_t) IrqCallbackAddress;


      ReadAddress += sizeof(&ReadAddress);

      WriteAddress += sizeof(&WriteAddress);


    /* Shift of Vector Table at specified address that is RAM segment */

    /* Null offset applied */

    SCB->VTOR = Address | (NULL_VTOR_OFFSET & (uint32_t) SCB_VTOR_TBLOFF_Msk);

    Result = HAL_SUCCESS;




define exported symbol __intvec_start__  = 0x0802A200;  /* Used when not relocated in RAM */

/*-Memory Regions-*/

define symbol __region_ROM_start__  = 0x0802A200;

define symbol __region_ROM_end__   = 0x080C9FFF;

define symbol __region_RAM_start__  = 0x20000200;

define symbol __region_RAM_end__   = 0x2009FFFF;

/* [RAM = 192kb + 64kb + 384kb = 0xA0000] */

define symbol __region_vtor__start__  = 0x20000000; /* Used when relocated in RAM */

define symbol __region_vtor__end__   = 0x200001BF; /* Aligned on 8 bytes (448 = 112 x 8) */

define symbol __region_SRAM1_start__  = 0x20000000; 

define symbol __region_SRAM1_end__   = 0x2002FFFF;

define symbol __region_SRAM2_start__  = 0x20030000;

define symbol __region_SRAM2_end__   = 0x2003FFFF;

define symbol __region_SRAM3_start__  = 0x20040000;

define symbol __region_SRAM3_end__   = 0x2009FFFF;


define symbol __size_heap__   = 0X1000;

define symbol __size_cstack__  = 0x2000;

/* Memory regions */

define memory mem with size = 4G;

define region EXPLOIT_HEADER_ROM_region  = mem:[from 0x0802A000 to 0x0802A1FF];

define region EXPLOIT_ROM_region     = mem:[from 0x0802A400  to __region_ROM_end__];

define region intRAM_region        = mem:[from __region_RAM_start__  to __region_RAM_end__];

define region VTOR_region         = mem:[from __region_vtor__start__ to __region_vtor__end__];

define block CSTACK  with alignment = 8, size = __size_cstack__  { };

define block HEAP   with alignment = 8, size = __size_heap__   { };

initialize by copy { readwrite };

do not initialize { section .noinit };

place at address mem:__intvec_start__ { readonly section .intvec };

/* SRAM1 Configuration */

/*place at address mem:0x20000000 {readwrite section VTABLE};*/

/* SRAM2 Configuration */

place at address mem:0x20030000 {readwrite section VTABLE};

place at address mem:0x20000200 {readwrite section INT_RAM }; /* Aligned on 8 bytes (448 = 112 x 8) - 0x1BF */

place in EXPLOIT_HEADER_ROM_region {readonly section file_header};

place in EXPLOIT_ROM_region  {readonly};

place in intRAM_region  { readwrite,

            block CSTACK, block HEAP};

Associate II

my Flash/RAM consumption details in Application.

 431 747 bytes of readonly code memory

 159 216 bytes of readonly data memory

 373 892 bytes of readwrite data memory (+ 440 absolute)

Check where linker is actually placing things via the .MAP file.

Perhaps create additional​ RAM sections so there is no opportunity for conflicting usage.

You don't want variables and stack on top of the vectors.​

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Up vote any posts that you find helpful, it shows what's working..
Associate II


Thanks for your reply. If you look into the code i provided, i'm creating a space in RAM in this way.

#ifdef __ICCARM__

#pragma location=0x20000000    //SRAM1 base address,total size: 192KB

//#pragma location=0x20030000  //SRAM2 base address,total size: 64KB


#error "The position should be forced in RAM @ a specific address

#endif /* __ICCARM__ */

uint32_t IvtRam1Main[IVT_ENTRIES];

void InterruptVectorTableRelocate(void)


 uint32_t RamTargetAddress = 0;

 /* Relocate the IVT in user's defined RAM 2 segment */

 RamTargetAddress = (uint32_t) &IvtRam1Main[0];


 (void) HalInterruptTableRelocate(RamTargetAddress);


I've allocated 440bytes for Interrupt Relocation in RAM.



IvtRam1Main       0x2000'0000  0x1b8 Data Gb HalCommon.o [1]

 431 747 bytes of readonly code memory

 159 216 bytes of readonly data memory

 373 892 bytes of readwrite data memory (+ 440 absolute)

My Application with bootloader works with location=0x20030000 (SRAM2 base address),

but it doesn't work with 0x20000000.

Do you find anything i've bad configuration?

You don't want variables and stack on top of the vectors.​

I'm not clear on this point. when I set 0x20000000, i think variable and stacks will come below this vectors, is not it?

is it mandatory to keep on top?

