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GPRS Communication with STM32

Associate II

Hi, I am using STM32F4 series controller or can even use any other controller series but i want to start using it for GPRS communication. How can i start using it for using Communication. Also how can i do API calling for certain strings using these controllers. 


Find the modem you want to use. Review the manual, likely using AT commands, create a layer using the UART to output strings, and process responses. Methods used for decades, so perhaps you can find some examples, and libraries, if you need them.

C has a reasonably broad string handling library, can you start by using those?

HAL_UART functions, capturing data with interrupts.

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Sure, i can work with UART but i wanted to ask like how much difference it makes when i use 4G modems instead of conventional 2G ones?

At this point, probably availability of service.

Determine what's available in your area / region, and the long term availability of that. Businesses are going to be using 4G/LTE for cellular data services, costs related to 5G service and technology likely to be prohibitive in the near term unless you have a specific application needing the bandwidth.

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Yeah but my question was that how much difference is there in terms with coding while working with 4G modems? Is there any as i have heard they are a little different to work with.

Download some datasheets and example code and compare G2 / G4 solutions!