2025-02-10 05:57 AM
I'm trying to find out the exact steps to regress an STM32U083 to an erased state after programming it with the OEMiRoT example project and and locking it to RDP2 by the accompanying provisioning.bat script.
Will be using STM32CubeProgrammerCLI (or the GUI version at first just to test the steps) for the regression.
Something like chapter 10 of the STM32U5 AN5347 would be nice (https://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/dm00625692-stm32l5-series-trustzone-features-stmicroelectronics.pdf)
or like this forum post on U5: https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcus/how-to-regress-from-rdp-level-2-to-rdp-level-0-on-the-stm32u5/ta-p/568476
Especially the "Disable RDP regression with a password" action in the programmer GUI seems very counter-intuitive to do for an RDP2 level locked chip, as if you would deliberately brick it by disabling the regression (no password in level 2 = bricked). Is this always a safe step? Because as long as the level is 2, the password will be necessary to regress.