2015-09-17 1:15 AM
I'm using Nucleo-L053R8 for my project. I have connected external 3-axis sensor to the nucleo board. And it's working fine. Now I'm looking to make custom board. I connected FT232 with USB to the pins TX and RX and taken out jumpers on CN2. I have installed drivers for RS232. But i could not see the output on serial terminal. Can someone tell me the mistake?. Should i need to make any other connections?. Should i program the USB?2015-09-17 2:25 AM
Disconnect the FTDI from the mcu, short Rx with Tx - do you see characters echoed in terminal?
No go? - is in the terminal handshake set in some way? Play with it. If you get this working, disconnect the short, connect it back to mcu - which pin connected to which? JW2015-09-17 4:15 AM
Thanks for your reply. I disconnected with MCU and shorted both RXD and TXD but nothing on teraterm serial terminal. Later on i tried with RX-1 and TX-0 but nothing. ________________ Attachments : FTDI.JPG : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I1DN&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bjy%2F5Is4o5klHI.0_sZkZ6KzVrjs0QijgEg_.IWu0iod8RY&asPdf=false2015-09-17 4:41 AM
Please look into the pics
________________ Attachments : IMG_3718.JPG : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I1DI&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bjx%2FvxmM36brJaZOFvWyhRCGvK8H7cbKTdqjL81EUS4eG2g&asPdf=false2015-09-17 5:43 AM
Ok, but what is wired to what? Describe the pin connections, or provide a schematic.
You may need to cross over the sense of RX/TX. In both cases the TX pin is likely the output.2015-09-17 6:25 AM
I have connected TXD pin from FTDI to RX pin in nucleo. And RXD from FTDI to TX from nucleo. Then i pressed restart. But i could not see any output on serial terminal ( teraterm).
I also tried connecting RX-1 and TX-0 to nucleo TX and RX respectively.
2015-09-17 7:28 AM
> I disconnected with MCU and shorted both RXD and TXD but nothing on teraterm serial terminal.
There's no reason to proceed and connect the FTDI to the mcu until you get this going. Try a different terminal. Are you sure you know the FTDI's virtual serial number? Have you observed it in Device Manager (I assume you are under Windows, I am not familiar with Linux working of FTDI devices)? JW2015-09-17 7:31 AM
> I disconnected with MCU and shorted both RXD and TXD but nothing on teraterm serial terminal.
There's no reason to proceed and connect the FTDI to the mcu until you get this going. Try a different terminal. Are you sure you know the FTDI's virtual serial number? Have you observed it in Device Manager (I assume you are under Windows, I am not familiar with Linux working of FTDI devices)? JW2015-09-18 3:08 AM
Its working. On the nucleos, D0 & D1 are not connected to the microcontroller's serial 2 Tx/Rx !
use serial 1 Tx & Rx on (D8 or D10) & D2.
2015-09-18 5:28 AM
Ok, but aren't there solder-bridges that can connect them, and the PA2/PA3 USART2 pins are connected the the ST-LINK's VCP connection