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For better learning STM32 programming and debugging

Md Mubdiul Hasan
Associate III

Hi there,

I have been using STM32 nearly 10 years.

I did modification according to company requirements. But it doesn't mean I am very good at C,C++ or else. I understand coding if it'd in C or C++ format. 


I understand mathematics, logics and conditioning.


Kindly suggest materials/ guidelines/ books/ tutorials that might help me to write coding/ debugging and finding root cause of failure.

Let's say staring with ARM cortex type M0. 



>>I have been using STM32 nearly 10 years

>>>Kindly send link only for STM32.

This does kind of trouble me, that in this time you've not got a clearer path forward, and got some rather fixed and narrow thought processes.

Perhaps a "Learning how to learn" course might be something to consider?

Now we all approach these things differently, I tend to approach via inference and triangulation, as Andrew indicates a lot of the technical details between MCUs is highly transferable, most being more the same than different. Triangulation would be to get information from multiple perspectives, say multiple texts about materially the same thing, but with different approaches and view-points that different authors and use-cases bring.

The internet opens the door to be able to find a lot of material, but you need to filter and focus that.

Do thing incrementally, there's not going to be a mind-melding approach where you're going to get to understand all the details all a once.

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@Andrew Neil wrote:

Most of it is down to being able to analyse a problem and define a solution.

@waclawek.jan might remember the saying,

"The most important tool for debugging is the one between your ears" ... ?