2021-06-02 07:24 PM
I tried 2 demo printf using HAL and UART Tx using LL from your examples. LL demo runs ok and getting message display on Serial COM console. HAL printf demo got not message display. Any suggestion? I hv another board NUCLEO-F411RE works ok for HAL UART. This will proof my PC (win10) and CubeIDE(1.6.1) setup are ok
2021-06-02 08:00 PM
HSE_VALUE 8000000
Works for me
2021-06-02 09:08 PM
> HAL printf demo got not message display.
With HAL, Tx using other methods than printf() (i.e. directly calling HAL functions) works?
2021-06-02 09:13 PM
2021-06-02 09:25 PM
What's the "2" do here?
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, "Z", "2", 100);
2021-06-02 09:30 PM
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart3, "Z", 2, 100)
"Z" is the char to send out
2 is the size
but not working as well
2021-06-02 11:50 PM
Observe Tx pin using oscilloscope/logic analyzer.
Try to transmit by simply writing to the Tx data register a byte and then performing a long enough delay, in a loop.
Read out and check/compare UART and relevant GPIO registers content between working and non-working case. Also check your clocks setup, e.g. by outputting PWM from a timer on the same APB bus, with the same settings, and observe output waveform.
2021-06-10 06:03 AM
I found the solution. I hv to set the RCC: HSE Bypass, & LSE Crystal
thanks all comments and help