2013-04-26 8:00 AM
Hello to all of you ST lovers,
I got a problem : working with ChibiOS (which includes the stm32 libs) I'm trying to enable some DMA actions (to capture a timer value, as it happens). Yet whatever I do in the DMA1 Stream2 Config Register (DMA1_S2CR) it remains at 0x 0000 0000 ... And same for the others I need (PAR, M0AR, NDTR).Yes, I did enable the clock for DMA1, yes ChibiOS did enable the AHB clock from the PLL (which it plugged on HSE and yes I have an external quartz that works just fine). Yes I did make sure I disabled the DMA1 Stream2 and yes I did wait until the EN bit was actually zero (even though I'm in my initilization method and I bet that's all useless).Is there anything else in the ''dumb basic things to do'' ? What could otherwise be the problem ?I really badly need help, so thanks in advance for your help and insights !Charles #dma-chibios #stm32f405 #!impossible2013-04-26 8:54 AM
Yet we are not presented with any initialization code... Magic 8 Ball says ''Try asking question again''
Unresponsive peripherals are almost always about clocks, or being held in reset.2013-04-26 9:03 AM
My bad, there you are. I did not check ''being held in reset'', is that a reference to the RCC RST registers ?
// TIM3_CH4 events are mapped to DMA1 Stream 2 channel 5
// Enable DMA1 clock (not low power)
// Disable DMA channel and wait for actual disabling
DMA1_Stream2->CR &= ~DMA_SxCR_EN;
(DMA1_Stream2->CR & DMA_SxCR_EN);
// Peripheral address : timer capture register
// (CC4, 4th element in stm32_tim_t CCR array)
DMA1_Stream2->PAR = (
// Memory address : array of times of each '1' bit received
DMA1_Stream2->M0AR = (
// Number of data items per request : max 8 (will stop DMA transfer if less)
DMA1_Stream2->NDTR = 8;
// Channel to be used : channel 5 (write 101 in CHSEL of S2CR)
// Stream priority : middle
// Peripheral 'half word' (16 bits) data size
// (memory data size forced to peripheral data size on ENable)
// Memory increment mode.
2013-04-26 9:26 AM
Seems to use it's own code, not the library. You could try a simple library test to confirm how the registers behave outside the OS.
You could also probe the RCC registers to confirm the current system state.