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EXTI pins located at which port pins of STM32H753ZI MCU?

Associate II

Hi team,

I would like to use the external interrupt for handling peripherals, but i didn't find the exact port pin of MCU. for example EXTI0 is an external interrupt pin which is located at?


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Yes, unless the given pin is set to Analog mode.

SYSCFG_EXTICR1.EXTI0 is specifically for EXTI0, other EXTI have their respective fields in other SYSCFG_EXTICRx registers, refer to the SYSCFG chapter in RM.


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PA0, or PB0, or PC0, etc., as selected by SYSCFG_EXTICR1.EXTI0.


Associate II


Thank you.

1) In PA0 : The alternate functionalites are TIM2_CH1/TIM2_ETR, TIM5_CH1, TIM8_ETR, TIM15_BKIN, USART2_CTS/USART2_ NSS, UART4_TX, SDMMC2_CMD, SAI2_SD_B, ETH_MII_CRS, EVENTOUT.

Additional Functions are ADC1_INP16, WKUP0.

2) In PB0 : The alternate functionalites are TIM1_CH2N, TIM3_CH3, TIM8_CH2N, DFSDM1_CKOUT, UART4_CTS, LCD_R3, OTG_HS_ULPI_D1, ETH_MII_RXD2, LCD_G1, EVENTOUT

Additional Functions are ADC12_INN5, ADC12_INP9, OPAMP1_VINP, COMP1_INP.

3) In PC0 : The alternate functionalites are DFSDM1_CKIN0, DFSDM1_DATIN4, SAI2_FS_B, OTG_HS_ULPI_STP, FMC_SDNWE, LCD_R5, EVENTOUT.

Additional Functions are ADC123_ INP10.

Of these multi functionalities which of them is external interrupt?

> Of these multi functionalities which of them is external interrupt?

None; external interrupt is independent from the alternate functions, and can be used simultaneously with them.


Thank you,

You mean to use the concept of external interrupt we can connect to any of the pins and can be configured by using the registers you specified SYSCFG_EXTICR1.EXTI0?

Yes, unless the given pin is set to Analog mode.

SYSCFG_EXTICR1.EXTI0 is specifically for EXTI0, other EXTI have their respective fields in other SYSCFG_EXTICRx registers, refer to the SYSCFG chapter in RM.


Associate II

Thank you so much.