2016-09-19 1:34 AM
to the finest
community :),
Are you already working with embedded wizard or other GUI software like STemWIN. I would like to learn to make small interfaces on screens as STM32F429i-Discovery. the tutorials on the internet there are not many. if you can point me to good tutorials.thank you very much.
2016-09-19 3:26 AM
Hi enedis.ibrahim,
You can start with the application note : ''Getting started with STemwin Library''. You download the STemwin package from this . I recommend also to, run the Stemwin example in the at this path: STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.13.0\Projects\STM32F429I-Discovery\Applications\STemWin -Hannibal2016-09-19 1:39 PM
Hello Hannibal,
I would like to know when I generate my file ... DLG.c with emwin, I have to integrate DLG.c with the main.c in keil μvision and I must also integrate GUI library .c and .h? that's it.Thank you very much.