2021-06-17 2:39 AM
2021-06-17 7:56 AM
Hello @jason239955_st ,
The motionFD is not supported for STM32L0.
So far MotionFD library is not provided for Cortex-M0.
When your question is answered, please close this topic by choosing Select as Best. This will help other users find that answer faster.
2021-06-17 5:55 PM
Thanks for the answer.
2021-06-28 8:27 PM
Hi Imen,
i was working on the code for LSM9DS1 for self test with the following link
i am facing some issues to run this self test of out MCU (STM32L083RZT6TR) and clearly the example is developed for the evaluation boards as it states below
"* This example was developed using the following STMicroelectronics evaluation boards:
But it also have a point to use a custom board which we want to use in our case with other MCU as state below.
"If you need to run this example on a different hardware platform a modification of the functions:
`platform_write`, `platform_read`, `tx_com` and 'platform_init' is required."
I was trying to study these functions and all these functions have the evaluation boards (which is not our case) defined in them and also the example says.
"If a different hardware is used please comment all following target board and redefine yours."
As we need to run it in our board with our MCU do we just need to change functions or need to redefine the whole hardware parameters?
I may be missing any reasonable point here or may be confused because of the evaluation boards definitions. need you help in this regards as we
need to set up LSM9DS1 with our MCU to run the self test and read the data polling.
2021-09-09 12:05 AM
Hi Jason,
I am also working on STM32L083 with LSM9ds1 and run the Polling Data on Github
but unfortunately stuck at WHO_AM_I register return value of 0x68. Mine is 0x00. So it stucks at
while(1) loop.
Have you solved your issue?
Thank you.