2013-10-03 12:50 AM
Can I configure two usart's to use one DMA? In datasheet there is table called ''DMAx request mapping'' and for stm32f40/1/2/3 eg. UART4 uses
channel 4 for RX and TX DMA trigger on stream 2 and 4. Can I configure stream 0 and 5 to use UART5 (also chanell 4) at the same time or this setting will collide with settings of UART4 DMA ? #stm32-usart-dma2013-10-03 1:26 AM
Look at the DMA module as 8 independent DMA controllers, one per stream.
JW2013-10-03 11:18 PM
Triggering channels are also totally independent?
2013-10-04 2:44 AM
Each stream can be trigger by a single channel (8-to-1 mux)
The stream is the active DMA transaction, the channel is the source of the request.