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Posted on June 10, 2014 at 16:54Hi all, I have a project where I need to deal with 4-to-8 bit and 8-to-4 bit conversion and so I have a questions: 1. I know that I can do DMA to/from GPIO but what is maximum speed of that operation. Can I go up to 2...
Posted on November 18, 2013 at 08:25 I am fighting with this from couple of days. My uC is STM32F407VG. I want to sample 3 triggered channels. For now I am triggering ADC using software but finaly I will use timer and dma, but for now I can'...
Posted on October 03, 2013 at 09:50Can I configure two usart's to use one DMA? In datasheet there is table called ''DMAx request mapping'' and for stm32f40/1/2/3 eg. UART4 uses channel 4 for RX and TX DMA trigger on stream 2 and 4. Can I configure s...
Posted on September 30, 2013 at 11:35 I am using STM32F407VG. I've read documentation about ADC and groups and still don't know how to set up properly ADC to sample periodically fixed ADC channels. I've done this by following code but don't ...