2015-05-19 12:31 AM
i would like to introduce my self-made Evaluation Board for a STM32F429IGT6 (176 Pin LQFP) pictures are attached it's a 4 Layer 100mm x 50mm Board with onboard : 256MBit SDRAM 512kBit I2C-EEprom 16MBit SPI-Flash CAN-Transceiver FTDI-UART-Interface Mini-USB for USB-OTG Micro-SD-Card Connector Six Status LEDs And 2,54mm Header for many GPIOs and a 24bit TFT-Connector (a second board for interfacing a 4,3 inch TFT is following) here a link to my projectpage with further informations (only in german) Uwe #stm32f4292015-05-19 7:02 AM
Interesting. Even has 2 terminals for the ground clip of a VO meter or 'scope.
Does 1 row of the JTAG/SWD pins match the 4 pin SWIM in ST-Link V2 ? Cheers, Hal2015-05-19 7:35 AM
no, an adapter cable is needed
check theattached schematic ________________ Attachments : f429_board_sch_v100.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0xH&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bki%2FP3Z0qsk17T1zjhT_urzNao9MY5rN3Z3dCObRgXjvStM&asPdf=false2015-05-19 8:23 AM
Welcome to this forum Uwe, I hope you can hang with this community sometimes. Your blog is awesome, thank you for all the ub_* libraries that you've written for STM32F4, they helped me very much when I was starting STM32 microcontroller development.