2015-05-19 6:53 AM
I am having issues with the I2C on a STM32F407. I am trying to talk to the MLX90621 thermopile but getting stuck on a repeated start on the busy flag.I used the I2C driver from the following link (https://github.com/devthrash/STM32F4-examples/blob/master/I2C%20Master/main.c) and use the code from https://github.com/nseidle/MLX90620_Example.My default configuration is changed for the MLX90621 from 0x74 to 0x14. I have also changed the PTAT and CPIX address to 0x40 and 0x41.On my hardware I have 4K7 pull on the SDA and SCL, and the voltage supplied is 3.3V.Writing the configuration seems fine and when start reading pixels afterwards, the code get stuck in a repeated start with the busy flag set.Paul