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Data protection in external SRAM interfaced with STM32F4 series controller

Associate II

Hi All,

I have an application running on STM32F439 based controller board. And I am planning to use external SRAM.

I wanted to know, how we can protect the data in external SRAM ?

Or any suggestion on using external SRAM with assumption of security.



External SRAM has exposed all data and address pins, so if the adversary has physical access, there's no way to prevent observing or actively reading out data.

But security is a wide topic. You can for example prevent physical access by encapsulation+tamperproofing, then the question reduces to securing the code. Or you can encrypt/decrypt data, but then it's upon you to judge whether encrypted data may leak relevant information and/or how to tamper-proof them.


Consider different parts with enough internal memory to do the job. Or just put data in SDRAM ​the user can see anyway, like a frame buffer, or data as it comes over the network.

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Thanks @Community member​ it was a great insight.

Thanks @Community member​ for the input.

Its a great help.