2017-02-03 6:05 AM
It would be sometimes useful to have original CubeMX project file (*.ioc) for delivered examples.
It would help to configure additional MCU resources directly using provided examples.
2017-02-03 6:15 AM
,This is recurrent request that was under review internally for a while.
For sure, we will come soon with a positive answer.
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2017-02-03 8:29 AM
Some of the HAL examples were hand-crafted. Cube is really a rough framing tool, the more tracts of boiler-plate code it attempts to spit out the more difficult it will become to manage.
2017-02-03 10:17 AM
Yes, I suspected it. That's why I would like ST to use CubeMX for every example they provide;) The same approach should be taken for BSP examples for x-nucleo boards.
If the CubeMX is the way to go the ST should be the leader who uses it in every example project;)
2017-02-03 2:11 PM
I use Cube and maintain the code connection through uV5.
I am constantly updating peripheral functionality from within Cube, downloading into uV5 to update my PCB firmware as required.
Currently, with Cube, I initialize SPIs, IICs, Usarts, DMAs, Interrupts, Priorities, CanBus, AtoDs and Timers
other than that, Cube is not needed.
There are a significant number is configuration steps done within Cube and my OS is blissfully unaware in the code, except everything works.
without the Cube file, the code segments wont function.
It is a great idea golab.bogdan
2017-06-08 12:23 PM
I was able to prepare the project files for some Discovery boards - sometimes it's not easy to reverse engineer the BSP drivers. I succeded for exampel with STM32F429-DISCO board BUT I failed for STM412G-DISCO boards. I cannot configure FSMC to support LCD.
A I have an alternative solution: I wonder if the ST Team could share the settings for every peripheral they use for particular Discovery board. This way I would recreate the project file by myself. Take for example the STM412G-DISCO boards. I am just fighting with FSMC setting trying guess what GUI setting should be used for the board: