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CPOL & CPHA setting in NSS pulse mode.

Associate II

RM0440 Rev 7 (STM32G4), 39.5.12 NSS pulse mode.

It is written on the page 1753:

 “This mode is activated by the NSSP bit in the SPIx_CR2 register and it takes effect only if the SPI interface is configured as Motorola SPI master (FRF=0) with capture on the first edge (SPIx_CR1 CPHA = 0, CPOL setting is ignored)�?

Does this means that this mode only works correctly when CPHA = 0, CPOL setting is ignored, CPOL = 1 as shown in Figure 586 and sampling edge is the falling edge?

But The figure 586 below has a Note that says:

“Note: Similar behavior is encountered when CPOL = 0. In this case the sampling edge is the rising edge of SCK, and NSS assertion and deassertion refer to this sampling edge.�?

Means CPOL setting is not ignored?

What are the correct settings for CPHA and CPOL in NSS pulse mode?


CPOL setting is not ignored as far as clock polarity is concerned.

What the RM wants to say is, that NSSP does work if CPHA=0, and does not work if CPHA = 1, whatever CPOL setting is.


Associate II

Thank you. Too bad RM is misleading. It's even more unfortunate that SPI in NSS pulse mode doesn't have full functionality.

I need NSS pulse mode and CPHA = 1, CPOL =1 to poll Si8380. The only solution, I think, is to make crutches

Chief II

i use spi with nss on F030 and SI8641EB ; works without problems.

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0693W00000YAXEbQAP.jpg0693W00000YAXEWQA5.jpgSorry, I didn't specify the name, it's Si8380S. You are using Si8641 for SPI and Si8380S is polled via SPI

Chief II

ok, so need to look at Si8380S timing and what nss is doing;

nss seem (for my understanding) not working in hardware, only in software is useful here.

and CPHA = 1, CPOL =1 seems correct (for me) .

so set CPHA = 1, CPOL =1 and nss in software.

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Ok, I'll try your version.

RM says that NSS only works if CPHA=0.0693W00000YAZTxQAP.jpgI will also check the hardware NSS option when CPHA=0 and CPOL=0.

0693W00000YAZKhQAP.jpg Maybe that will work too, If SCK polarity is not important for 8380.
