2019-10-11 10:46 PM
2019-10-12 11:32 AM
10.3.14 Using the HSE or LSE oscillator pins as GPIOs
When the HSE or LSE oscillator is switched OFF (default state after reset), the related oscillator pins can be used as normal GPIOs.
When the HSE or LSE oscillator is switched ON (by setting the HSEON or LSEON bit in the RCC_CSR register) the oscillator takes control of its associated pins and the GPIO configuration of these pins has no effect.
When the oscillator is configured in a user external clock mode, only the OSC_IN or OSC32_IN pin is reserved for clock input and the OSC_OUT or OSC32_OUT pin can still be used as normal GPIO.
2020-12-17 8:41 AM
Although it is mentioned that the PH1 is useable as a I/O, I do not succeed in doing so, on the standard configuration of a NucleoL053 where a 8Mhz clock signal is supplied from the ST-link part.
2020-12-17 9:05 AM
Concurring with your observation on the L0 series, definitely doesn't function with the STM32L072CZ used on the Murata LoRa device
Not usable as a GPIO w/BYPASS
2020-12-17 9:35 AM
> Although it is mentioned that the PH1 is useable as a I/O
2020-12-17 10:10 AM
Now this admittedly is talking about OSC_IN, but the reasonable inference is that OSC_OUT should be uninvolved, and usable.
At a minimum this is poorly documented and misleading
I haven't tested the H7 implementation, but I'd be cautious..
2020-12-17 10:13 AM
A secondary effect would be some potentially very undesirable behaviour out of the system boot loader..
2020-12-17 10:16 AM
PC14/PC15 on STM32 implementations generally are within the low power domain, these pins have low drive expectations. Check data sheet on specifics
2020-12-17 9:06 PM
@Community member I was convinced that I had read it somewhere, but cannot retrieve it. Maybe it was the table 40 in the reference manual that was misleading me. But in the text it is written that the OSC_OUT must be left "hi-Z". Thanks for pointing this out.From the moment I used the MSI oscillator instead of the HSE in bypass mode, the output PH1 is useable. As clock resolution and stability is not important for this project, I can continue this way.
2023-07-28 9:54 AM
The initial reply to this post is correct. It works on the H7 series, see https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mcu-products/in-clock-source-bypass-mode-can-we-use-the-osc-out-as-gpio/m-p/577976/highlight/true#M219627.