2017-04-18 2:52 PM
i am traing to use CAN (controller area network) of STM32F3 in Simulink with package STM32-MAT/TARGET
i started to add ico file in config
whene i start adding the CAN i get this
please any help
#stm32-mat/target-matlab #stm32f3 #can2017-04-19 5:32 AM
May be CAN is not configured in used ioc file, or Simulink model has not been configured to be used with STM See attached 'STM32_MAT-TARGET_HandsOn.pdf' file Page.20
Please check these solutions, then if these do not solve your issue, please send ioc file.
________________ Attachments : STM32_MAT-TARGET_HandsOn_v1_0.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HyiI&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bBQ%2FmysgLHfgbKK4EDrp2yumNCK_oymsY2pDKCPqN9t_MVg&asPdf=false2017-04-19 7:48 AM
i know where is the problem, the problem in the configuration of ioc file i dont know how i can configurate the CAN of STM32F303K8
my ico file
________________ Attachments : pi.ioc.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hyd9&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bBO%2FrgSjyiotKKHhEfg8RxM.u7WaNUie_ZM.XTGYEriyIJo&asPdf=false2017-04-24 3:19 AM
Hi abdou si,
When you open block, you drag & drop CAN block : default selected CAN is CAN1.
But name is CAN.
2017-04-24 5:36 AM
Hi Imen D
can you tel me what timeout shoude i choose when i use HAL_CAN_Receive() because it didn't work
2017-08-16 12:01 AM
I spent many time to test the CAN mode ,but it still have some error,please give a example of stm32f107 for can1,
thank you very much!
2017-08-16 7:24 AM
what kind of error
can you share your code
you can find an example in C:\Users\yourcomputer\STM32Cube\Repository
2017-08-16 7:55 AM
1.I had created the demo board for can1 ofstm32f107 ,it can run in simulink by any error and genrate code.but it compiled by keil ARM 5.20 ,it prompt the error,
system :win7 64bit and matlab 2016
I had already replace the cansend.tlc and canfilter.tlc in STM_MAT.
1.../../slxfile/../iocfile/CANtest1/Inc/CANtest1_CAN.h(35): error: #5: cannot open source input file ''CANtest1_STMh'': No such file or directory
how to deal with it ,thank you very much!
2017-08-16 10:16 AM
sorry i didn't understand exactly the problem
please i wanna see screenshot for :
the project in simulinkand the error and the configuration
2017-08-16 10:44 PM
I had refresh the question,thank you very much!