2019-04-17 12:35 AM
I recently bought a STM32F4VE board. I have experience in 8051. Im unable to learn program the STM board on Keil. Its completely different compared to 8051. Im completely confused.
2019-04-17 01:51 AM
First you have to download the corresponding MCU pack from keil website, here
Then, under Keil, press the pack installer button
Then load the file downloaded from Keil website.
Then you can open any examples, that you can find in the corresponding Cube firmware package, with keil, compile it, and flash it (you need to have st-link drivers previously installed).
Hope it help
2019-04-17 03:37 AM
Do you know STM32 Step-by-step ? This tutorial helps you as getting started on building projects with the STM32 MCU and using ecosystem.
I recommend you to start with STM32CubeMX tool allows you to choose the microcontroller, select the peripherals you want and map them to pins graphically, then generating C initialization code on Keil MDK-ARM toolchain.
You can also refer to the working examples under the STM32CubeF4 firmware.
2019-04-17 07:32 AM
I downloaded Keil MDK v5. Im using an ST Link v2 programmer for programming the board. I have downloaded the ST link utility software and necessary software. But I just find even the simplest program very complex. How do I learn to program the ARM cortex from scratch?
2019-04-17 09:49 AM
>>How do I learn to program the ARM cortex from scratch?
I'm a book guy. I learned to do this before the internet, Youtube videos and step-by-step tutorials..
ARM has extensive Technical Reference Manuals for the core.
Joseph Yiu has a bunch of books on the assorted Cortex-Mx parts, approaches at a different perspective than TRMs
Most of the complexity is in the vendor unique peripherals, and clocking methods.
ST has Reference Manuals covering the peripherals/registers, and the Programming Manual covers the core.