2022-06-22 8:37 AM
I'm using Atollic TrueStudio 9.3.0. I know it's not the latest, but now is not the time to change anything.
I've been debugging my custom boards no problem, for years, including setting at stopping at breakpoints. All of a sudden this morning, the debugger no longer stops at breakpoints. I am not aware of anything changing. I power cycled the target board, the ST-LINK/V2, and my host computer, but the problem remains. I recompiled the whole program (Rebuild), but the problem remains.
Please see the image below. Notice how the icons to the right of the checkboxes appear to have a slash through them. THIS IS NEW! I've never seen it before and I don't know what it means. The same slash appears through the breakpoint icon whenever I set (toggle on) a breakpoint from the source code, whether I'm currently debugging or not. If I knew what this slash meant, it might help me figure out what has gone wrong. I haven't been able to find any doc on it. Of course, I figure the sudden appearance of the slash through the breakpoint icons is correlated with the sudden fact that the debugger no longer stops at breakpoints.
Thanks in advance for your help.
2022-06-22 9:41 AM
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4388192/eclipse-doesnt-stop-at-breakpoints ?
Don't know, hate eclipse, don't touch it, just googled.
2022-06-22 10:52 AM
OMGMF! I've never seen that in a debug GUI. So this GUI has *both* "disable" breakpoints and "skip" breakpoints. Weird. I figured it was something stupid. I found the "skip all breakpoints" icon and unclicked it. It must have gotten hit by mistake.
Working now. Thanks @Community member