2014-07-17 9:45 AM
I have two discovery cards setup for bi-directional SPI. On the slave, I'm using SPI3 with DMA1 support (TX stream = CH0_S5, RX=CH0_S0). I have the TX stream flow control configured as DMA_FlowCtrl_Peripheral (tried both, this makes most sense to me due to nature of SPI & DMA) and the RX stream as DMA_FlowCtrl_Memory (also tried both). Regardless of RX flow control config, and with TX as peripheral control, I observe the following:
- When the master xfers zeros and the slave xfers non-zeros, the both sides get the proper data, tho the first slave TX byte is either zero (1st xfer) or the last buffered value - I expect this based on the spec.- The result is the same (disregarding TX buffer notes) when the slave xfers zeros and the master xfers non-zeros- However, when both xfer non-zero data, the slave RX buffer is mostly corrupted as well as the data that the slave shifts out (as observed on logic analyzer and in master RX buffer - both of which agree with each other). This leads me to suspect that the TX & RX stream accesses to SPI3->DR are somehow colliding. Does this make sense? I infer from the datasheet that full bi-directional xfers with DMA support should be possible; have I misinterpreted the spec?Some possibly pertinent notes on setup: - running master clk very slow (333kHz)- running all buses at full speed - this is required by other aspects of this system (SYSCLK = 168MHz)- with slave RX in DMA_FlowCtrl_Mode, buffer size [NDTR] is 8 (as is &sharpbytes xfered by master)- in either slave RX flow control case, RX TCIF interrupt is triggered. However, the slave TX TCIF is not triggered when configured in peripheral flow control mode; as such, I am clearing any TX flags and resetting the TX stream in the RX IRQ handler- my code is based on the std peripheral lib v1.3 example SPI_DataExchangeDMA; changes include interrupts, hard NSS behavior, triggering methods- Slave register values after init but before first xfer: - SPI3: - SPI3_CR1: 0x00000050 - SPI3_CR2: 0x00000003 - DMA1 - DMA1_S0CR: 0x00002C15 (slave RX stream, memory flow control mode) - DMA1_S5CR: 0x00022C75 (slave TX stream, peripheral flow control mode)I can manage if either the master or slave must xfer zeros while the other xfers real data, but this doubles my comms period. Fully bi-directional data is my goal. Any input or suggestions would be helpful. Thanks! #stm32-spi-dma2018-12-13 11:15 AM
we have a similar problem. Was there a solution for this post?
2018-12-13 1:06 PM
Please don't try to resurrect a 4 years old thread. Start your own, stating the problem, describing the observed symptoms and how do they depart from the expected behaviour.