2017-05-08 4:34 AM
Hi ST community members
We are working on the optimization of a project's code running on STM32F429ZIT6 �C, in terms of speeding execution, or minimizing latencies due to memory access competition.
Our solution is to reorganize the code by assigning each AHB-bus-matrix's used master to the appropriate SRAM memory block.
To do that, our linker file is reorganized also, and buffers in our code are replaced in the appropriate sections.
But surprisingly, the .bin file generated is 384MB sized.
The gcc --version output is : (Sourcery CodeBench Lite 2014.05-28) 4.8.3 20140320 (prerelease)
Changes done are as follows:
* ucHeap[ TOTAL_HEAP_SIZE ] __attribute__((section('.bss_SRAM1'))); // FreeRTOS heap (
4) placed in SRAM1.* Our Ethernet driver's DMA descriptors, TX and RX buffers placed in SRAM2.
* Other miscellaneous critical buffers placed in CCM RAM.
* remaining data (.data and .bss) placed in SRAM3.
You can see attached the sections.ld, mem.ld and a simplified makefile (without projects includes and sources) in the ldscripts.rar.
The data sections sizes generated by the compilation process are as follows:
section size addr
.isr_vector 824 134217728._inits 4 134218552.flashtext 0 134218556.text 273296 134218560.ARM.exidx8 134491856.data 1916 0.data_CCMRAM 36 268435456.bss_CCMRAM 7560 268435496.bss_SRAM1 10240 536870912.bss_SRAM2 12544 536985600.bss 49552 1920.noinit 0 51472._check_stack 256 51472.comment 70 0.ARM.attributes 53 0.debug_aranges 15592 0.debug_info 528968 0.debug_abbrev 56895 0.debug_line 234916 0.debug_frame 55916 0.debug_str 629362 0.debug_ranges 14184 0.debug_macro 186126 0Total 2078318
Thanks for help.
#stm32f429 #gcc-linker2018-03-01 2:47 AM
You may consider adding an attribute (NOLOAD) to the section of your additional RAM block, like this:
.ram2 (NOLOAD) :
{ _sram2 = .; *(.ram2) KEEP(*(.ram2)) . = ALIGN(4); _eram2 = .; } >RAM2It will explain the linker, that the NOLOAD-region is a part of .bss.
2018-03-01 4:12 AM
After very nearly a year, it's probably a bit late to be suggesting 'solutions' to this old problem!
But the proposed 'solution' will not help - as already described, you cannot have gaps in a BIN file!
2018-03-01 4:13 AM
No, that is an entirely different problem - see:
2018-03-01 6:15 AM
Concerning the gaps in a BIN you are absolutely right.
However if one do not need to pre-allocate memory in RAM2 region at the compilation time this solution works prefectly.
Using (NOLOAD) directive prevents program loader to load the section into memory and thus there is no nessecity to attach it to a binary file.
2018-03-01 6:23 AM
But it was exactly the gaps in the bin file that were the subject of this thread!
Hence the
proposed 'solution' will not help to resolve the problem this thread is about.
2019-01-03 2:36 AM
I have the same problem, I agree that this problem is due to the linker forgot to put a NOLOAD attribute for the ethernet buffers.