2019-12-28 11:40 AM
Hi! ADC triggers only on rising edge of PWM signal. I want to trigger it at both rising/falling edge. When ADC=continous conversions, I can see some samples are 3V some 0V. But its random. So I changed continous conversions=disable.
Using HAL.
Pwm triggers ADC then its transferred to array.
Clock 72 MHz
Counting UP
Prescaler 36-1
Period 10-1
Pulse 5
TRGO update event
Continous mode:disable
Trigger: TIM3 update event
I cant see in cubemx or in code trigger at rising or falling edge.
Is there a simple register bit to set or Hal configuration to enable this?
Will try to do it myself, but any help is needed!
Thank You for your help!
2019-12-28 1:08 PM
Ok, so center aligned mode of TIM3 seem to work.
clock 72mhz
Prescaler = 18-1
WithI pulse=0 there is no pwm generated.
How to proper set/calculate this values? To get 200khz 50% duty pwm?
On high pulse adc gives 3,28V so its ok, but on low pulse it gives 0,02V.
Reading datasheets & searching web. Didnt find much. Pleas help.