2018-09-21 1:56 AM
Hi everyone,
the pin PB_4 seems to be used by any other function. This might be due to the on board WiFi module.
Does anyone have the same trouble to use this SPI conectors of the discovery board? How could I solve this?
Best Jens
2018-09-21 2:07 AM
Some DISCOs are better in providing the mcu pins to the user, some are worse, especially those which are packed by features. I'd say that holding the WIFi module in reset would ensure the SPI pins are not used; you'd need to confirm this by reading the WiFi module's manual.
If it's CubeMX which prevents you to use it, then ditch CubeMX.
2018-09-21 2:23 AM
Not sure there's a huge constituency here using the STM32F413H-DISCO
Yes, the WiFi and shield do seem to have a conflict, not sure if they play well with a different chip-select.
If you can bit-bang an SPI implementation look for some free pins to do that on.
2018-09-21 5:54 AM
Hi Cleve, Jan,
thank you again!
I just bought an Nucleo f413ZH board and my SPI test program just works fine on it. So the issue is due to the many features, as you have already mentioned. My problem is that I am just a beginner to all this and I am not used to CubeMX (because I started this project with mbed, which sounds quite easy at first)....
I tried other pins without success. How do I implement SPI to any other pins (what's meant by "bit-banging")?
2018-09-21 8:26 AM
>>what's meant by "bit-banging"
Manually emulating a hardware protocol by driving/sequencing signals on GPIO pins.
2018-09-21 8:38 AM
> I tried other pins without success.
What other pins?
2018-09-24 1:19 AM
Hi to everyone,
on this board there seems to be no additional SPI Pins available at the Arduino headers. But pulling up the WiFi_SPI_CSN pin (PG_11) solved my problem.
@Cleve, Jan: thanks for your help