2019-04-10 7:41 AM
Version info:
MC Workbench :
WB_to_Mx : 0.15.6.template-19-01-16
STM32CubeMX : 5.1.0
MC Firmware Library: 5.3.3
Generation options:
Target Toolchain : ST TrueSTUDIO
Target Driver : HAL - Hardware Abstraction Layer
Target STM32 FW : 1.9.0
Updated ioc: C:\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx.ioc
Code generation started
Exception in Publisher javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Remote host closed connection during handshake
Completed with errors
2019-04-11 7:26 AM
Same for me, but it appears quite "randomly".
The very next compile-attempt almost always works without me changing a single thing though.
2019-05-11 1:17 AM
After upgrading MX , I met similar problems.
Anyway I solved the tartet STM32 setting by "latest"
Target STM32 FW : Latest
2021-06-22 1:44 AM
The question has been moved from the section "Motor Control Hardware" to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards