2024-01-28 7:33 AM
I wanted to test ST MotorControl Workbench for experimenting with brushless motors, I have installed and tested the MotorControl Workbench 6.2.1 and MotorControl Workbench 5.4.8 on win 11 and both of them would fail to generate the projects out of box with this error message,
I have set them to use keil IDE v5 and my stmcubemx version is 6.10.0
you can check the error log here
2024-01-28 18:56:58,742 DEBUG [Main.lambda$run$0] Arguments: [-ioc, C:\Users\Ali\Desktop\mc\EvalG0_SingleShunt_IHM023V3_HAL\EvalG0_SingleShunt_IHM023V3_HAL.ioc, -xdm, C:\Users\Ali\Desktop\mc\EvalG0_SingleShunt_IHM023V3_HAL\EvalG0_SingleShunt_IHM023V3_HAL.wb_def]
2024-01-28 18:56:58,745 DEBUG [ArgsValue.readPropertiesFile] [AppConfig] pack.source = "C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\MC_SDK_5.4.8\Middlewares\ST\MotorControl"
2024-01-28 18:56:58,745 DEBUG [ArgsValue.readPropertiesFile] [UserConfig] do not exist in "C:\Users\Ali\.st_motor_control\wb2mx.properties"
2024-01-28 18:56:58,753 DEBUG [ArgsValue.getConfigProperties] pack.source = "../../../../Middlewares/ST/MotorControl"
2024-01-28 18:56:58,758 DEBUG [ArgsValue.lambda$retrieve$2] CLI_ARG[xdm]: C:\Users\Ali\Desktop\mc\EvalG0_SingleShunt_IHM023V3_HAL\EvalG0_SingleShunt_IHM023V3_HAL.wb_def
2024-01-28 18:56:58,758 DEBUG [ArgsValue.lambda$retrieve$2] CLI_ARG[ioc]: C:\Users\Ali\Desktop\mc\EvalG0_SingleShunt_IHM023V3_HAL\EvalG0_SingleShunt_IHM023V3_HAL.ioc
2024-01-28 18:56:58,758 DEBUG [ArgsValue.retrieve] {xdm=C:\Users\Ali\Desktop\mc\EvalG0_SingleShunt_IHM023V3_HAL\EvalG0_SingleShunt_IHM023V3_HAL.wb_def, updftl=templates/wb_ioc_mc-middleware.ftl, mx_timeout=-1, exp=templates/wb-defines_where_and_what.txt, ioc=C:\Users\Ali\Desktop\mc\EvalG0_SingleShunt_IHM023V3_HAL\EvalG0_SingleShunt_IHM023V3_HAL.ioc, pack=../../../../Middlewares/ST/MotorControl, ftl=templates/wb_ioc_template.ftl}
2024-01-28 18:56:58,801 DEBUG [Main.run] Targeted MCU family = G0
2024-01-28 18:56:58,818 DEBUG [Main.run] Minimum associated CubeMx to the `G0` targeted MCU family is `4.28.0-a0`
2024-01-28 18:56:58,829 DEBUG [WindowsCubeMxFinder.lambda$findThem$2] Found 64-bit subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\~~~\Uninstall\STM32CubeMX
2024-01-28 18:56:58,834 DEBUG [CubeMxCtx.EXE_version] Loaded path: 'C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeMX\STM32CubeMX.exe'
2024-01-28 18:56:58,834 DEBUG [CubeMxCtx.EXE_version] Loaded updater jar: 'C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeMX\plugins\updater.jar'
2024-01-28 18:56:58,846 DEBUG [CubeMxCtx.EXE_version] Loaded path: 'C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeMX\STM32CubeMX.exe'
2024-01-28 18:56:58,846 DEBUG [CubeMxCtx.EXE_version] Loaded updater jar: 'C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeMX\plugins\updater.jar'
2024-01-28 18:56:58,855 DEBUG [CubeMxCtx.EXE_version] Loaded path: 'C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeMX\STM32CubeMX.exe'
2024-01-28 18:56:58,855 DEBUG [CubeMxCtx.EXE_version] Loaded updater jar: 'C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeMX\plugins\updater.jar'
2024-01-28 18:57:17,327 DEBUG [CubeMxCtx.EXE_version] Loaded path: 'C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeMX\STM32CubeMX.exe'
2024-01-28 18:57:17,328 DEBUG [CubeMxCtx.EXE_version] Loaded updater jar: 'C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeMX\plugins\updater.jar'
2024-01-28 18:57:17,356 DEBUG [EnvironmentChecker.checkPack] STM32CubeMX.Version: 6.10.0-RC9
2024-01-28 18:57:20,083 ERROR [LineInfo_to_exitCode.manage_MCPackNotFound] MotorControl reference pack not found: "../../../../Middlewares/ST/MotorControl"
What's the problem? do you have any Idea what's wrong?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-01-31 4:46 AM - edited 2024-01-31 4:48 AM
You home directory is in your C:\Users\ folder, It should contain a directory named as your login name.
Inside this directory you should have a .st_motor_control directory containing a wb2mx.properties file.
6.2.1 supports roughly 380 MCUs, much more than all the previous releases.
Could you tell us what is the MCU proposed in 5.4 that you do not find in 6.2 ?
The only reason to stay on 5.4 is if your project is based on STM32F1 which has been discontinued in 6.2.1
2024-01-30 12:30 AM
Is there any st personnel in here to help?
2024-01-30 5:43 AM
Hello @ali_dehbidi,
Could you describe the steps you followed?
I have never seen such errors, but it looks like you tried to generate your project into a directory containing an old project. That would explain why the tool complains about previous selected item no more available.
Could you try to save your project into a fresh new directory and generate from it.
Hope it helps.
2024-01-31 12:20 AM
Hi Cedric
Here the steps that I have done,
1- I opened the "MotorControl Workbench 5.4.8" and selected some random example project, in this case speed ramp with Potentiometer on P-NUCLEO-IHM001 kit-- Advanced
2- I hit save as project and saved that in an empty folder named motorControl in win11 desktop
3- from the tools menu I clicked the generate button
4- in the opened dialog, I choose target tool chain to be keil v5 and I hit Update,
5- I would get this nasty error
Please check the attached pictures,
2024-01-31 2:11 AM
Hello @ali_dehbidi,
Could you check whether you have a wb2mx.properties file in your .st_motor_control folder located in your home directory ?
If it is the case, please remove it (or comment all the content)
Last remark, I highly encourage you to switch to MCSDK 6.2.1. The potentiometer example is now a built-in feature, no need to start from a custom example.
2024-01-31 3:07 AM
Dear Cedric
Where is home directory located in win11? what folder should I check?
you can see all the files that are in the .exe file of MotorControl Workbench 5.4.8
I have the same problem with MCSDK 6.2.1 too, also I see that in the MCSDK 6.2.1 the MCU selection is very limited, is there any plans for supporting more MCU's?
2024-01-31 4:46 AM - edited 2024-01-31 4:48 AM
You home directory is in your C:\Users\ folder, It should contain a directory named as your login name.
Inside this directory you should have a .st_motor_control directory containing a wb2mx.properties file.
6.2.1 supports roughly 380 MCUs, much more than all the previous releases.
Could you tell us what is the MCU proposed in 5.4 that you do not find in 6.2 ?
The only reason to stay on 5.4 is if your project is based on STM32F1 which has been discontinued in 6.2.1
2024-02-01 12:33 AM
Hi Cedric
thanks for the update, Please see my home folder content
There is no wb2mx.properties file, so the problem with V 5.4 remains, also v5.4 gives a lot more MCU selection, are you sure the new version would support 380 MCUs?
I have installed MCSDK v6.2 and could generate a test project successfully, But the problem with v6.2 is that It has very limited MCU selection, I can mainly see STM32G431, STM32F303 versions, I'm interested in STM32G030K6T6 or STM32F030K6T6 MCU, also I'm interested to be able to select custom board drivers And motors, it seems there is not an easy way of changing the MCU or Power stage to a custom board and selecting a custom motor, How could I do that? is there any tutorial on that?
2024-02-01 3:08 AM
> also v5.4 gives a lot more MCU selection, are you sure the new version would support 380 MCUs?
Could you give me an example of a MCU present in 5.4 that you did not find in 6.2.1 ?
If you look at 5.4 STM32G0 support, only those part numbers are proposed : STM32G071RB & STM32G081RB.
The 6.2.1 supports all STM32G031, STM32G071, STM32G081. STM32G030 will be added in the next release, but I can already provide you the STM32G030 descriptions to unzip in the folder: MC_SDK_6.2.1\Utilities\PC_Software\STMCWB\assets\hardware\mcu
The recommended way to do a custom board is to start with one ST board that fulfilled your needs and clone it inside the Board manager.
The board manager will allow you to modify the board according to your schematic. The grammar and concepts are fully described here :https://wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/STM32MotorControl:Motor_Control_Boards_Description
2024-02-01 4:45 AM
Hi Cedric
Could you give me an example of a MCU present in 5.4 that you did not find in 6.2.1 ?
The 5.4 has more examples listed,
Thanks for the update, I think you should add a MCU selection box besides your eval boards because the eval board MUC's are only a fraction of STM32 family, Now it only let's you choose an eval board, Please note that the final goal of the MCSDK is to use it in a custom board not an eval board,
Also I have extracted the STM32G030 descriptions to the folder that you mention, Now how can I select the STM32G030K6T6 MCU? the tool only shows me the eval boards, and if I choose for example a near enough devkit like stm32g071 eval board, I can not change the MCU later in the tools.