2021-07-23 1:56 AM
Dear Community,
using the ST Motor Control Workbench 5.Y.1 I got an BLDC motor up and running pretty easily with the "Singel drive and CCMRAM with NUCLEO-G431RB [..]" (CCMRAM) example.
I also wanted to try the Six-Step Hall Sensor and Voltage Mode on a NUCLEO-G431RB (6S_IHM16_HS_VM) example in order to test the 6-step control algorithm.
But as far as I understand the code, there is no difference regarding the current control algorithm.
The code of both projects was generated by the ST Motor Control Workbench, which actually doesnt support to select the 6-step control option explicitly.
Is it even possible to get an example of the 6-step control via the MC Workbench?
If not, are there any example projects for the STM32G431?
Thank you so much!
2021-07-26 1:28 AM
So I found the information that the 6-step control algorithm is going to be introduced into the MCSDK with version 6.0 (1) in beginning of 2022 (2).
There are seperate example projects for selected devices, e.g.:
I wasn't able to find an example for NUCLEO-G431 ...
(1): a presentation by Rendong **** in 2020 in Shenzhen with the title STM32 Lives For Industrial (available as pdf)
(2): https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/x-cube-mcsdk.html
2021-07-26 5:42 AM
Dear CBrom,
About the 6-steps example generation, please note that we have issued a new MC SDK 5.Y.2 which corrects few troubles. We recommend to use it from now. However, as it is only examples, you won't be able to use the MC WorkBench to make any customization (Rendong's information is valid), but using the STM32CubeMX you may configure few items.
The MC SDK 5.Y.0 and following versions already provide you with an example using the NUCLEO-G431RB + X-NUCLEO-IHM16 + Shinano motor using HALL Sensors. This is in voltage mode control.
Please, could you confirm you have carefully read the provided ReadMe file ? (in particular the UPDATE usage button and not the GENERATE button).
So, we don't get your point here. Maybe could you details more about your overall request ?
Best Regards,
2021-07-27 7:50 AM
Dear PBo,
thank you very much for your quick reply.
Keeping your hints in mind I:
1.) installed MCSDK version 5.Y.2
2.) opened the 6S_IHM16_HS_VM.stmcx file with ST Motor Control Workbench and saved it to an empty location
3.) pressed the UPDATE button in the "Project generation" window while the Driver type "LL-Low Level" was selected
-> in the ST32CubeIDE folder only the .project file was created (usually there should be a .cproject file as well)
4.) STM32CubeIDE: Right click into "Project Explorer"->"Import ..."->"Existing project into workspace" to import the project results into importing an empty project I cannot compile.
So only when I use the GENERATE button in the "Project generation" window I actually get an configured project I can meaningfully import (via the .cproject file).
Would it be possible to share the source code of the above mentioned example?
2021-08-03 9:24 AM
Dear CBrom,
As far as I understand your trouble, I can see two ways getting the example source files from our MC SDK.
1st one is to generate the example for another IDE, like EWARM.
2nd one is to update the example like you do for steps 1) to 3), then to open the 6S_IHM16_HL_VM.ioc file with STM32CubeMx, then going to the Code Generator sheet (within Project Manager tab) to select the "Copy all used libraries into the project folder" as shown below and to click on generate button inside STM32CubeMx. Finally, you can compile using CubeIDE and download the elf file
Best Regards,