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P-NUCLEO-IHM03 can't works

Associate II

Hi st team,

I have purchase the P-NUCLEO-IHM03  development kit, i am using the development as the follows:

1, MotorControl workbench 6.2.1

2, STM32CubeMx 6.10.0

3, STM32CubeIDE1.14.1


I have try the follow steps:

1,In MotorControl workbench 6.2.1 i follow the example:


without any change, i run it to generate project.

2, In STM32CubeMx to generate the code

3, In STM32CubeIDE1.14.1, compile it successful and run it to P-NUCLEO-IHM03

4, refer to "um2415-getting-started-with-the-xnucleoihm16m1-threephase-brushless-motor-driver-board-based-on-stspin830-for-stm32-nucleo-stmicroelectronics", i run the 'blue' button, the motor not running


so, would you give me any supports?


or give me a golden image for test in my P-NUCLEO-IHM03 kits to verify the hardware is all right?

ST Employee

Dear @swingboard 

Please have a look to this video presentation.

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Best regards.

i have follow the  steps on video, but it can't help me.

any golden binary for me to test if the develop kit is ok in hardware?

the kit's default setting  is for foc control way, your is introduce the '6-step' way.

what about the golden foc binary?

ST Employee


You can use the "ST Motor Control Pilot" tool to connect the board and check internal board status.

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Best regards.

it report "startup" error or "speed feedback" error.

i have tried the st workbench 6.2.1  and st workbench 5.4.8, follow the "Speed ramp with Potentiometer on P-NUCLEO-IHM03 kit" example, both not works in my development kit.


1, firstly to check if my development kit is wrong in hardware, can you give advice for it or give me the hex file in yourside?@GMA.

2, i give you the hex file compiled in my side, can you try it in your board?@GMA

the hex/bin/elf file in my side


I loaded your study_foc_P-IMH03-Potentiometer.hex file and it works fine.
Start/Stop USER blue button after black button RESET push works.
I was able to connect the board with Motor Control Pilot Tool and control the motor.

There is a manual on IHM03 box with all Jumper settings, Max DC supply (14V), and other connections described, did you check these settings?

If you agree with the answer, please accept it by clicking on 'Accept as solution'.
Best regards.

1, i confirmed that the out_uvw voltage is 12v

in UM2415, the OUTx voltage is same with VS,



the VS is from J4 in board x-nucleo-ihm001, the j4 is supplied by DC power.


the DC power is 12v, from DB3828


so the output_UVW is 12v。

2, i have check the other jumpers and solder bridges in UM2505 and UM2415, in confirmed that my board is the default setting.

3, if any checks for motor?

the motor used is Gimbal motor: GBM2804H-100T .

ST Employee

Hello @swingboard,

For the motor, check that it spins freely and with a multimeter, that you have ~10 Ohm between each phase.


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Best regards.