2019-06-12 9:47 AM
Using "Motor Control Workbench" I created a project for the following hardware:
I did not make any changes to the standard configuration.
I generated the files by setting the TARGET to CubeIDE with firmware package FW V1.10.0 and STM32CubeMX 5.2.1
The project was successfully created. Through CubeIDE I tried to import the project into my WorkSpace using "Import -> Existing Projects into workspace", but I get a message "No projects are found to import".
So I used "Import -> Projects from folder or Archive", then I selected the directory that contains my project, finally it was imported into my workspace.
However it is not possible to start the "build", probably because the configuration file is missing. Why is this project not compatible with CubeIDE?
I am attaching the Workbench file with which it is possible to generate the project to be used in CubeIDE.
2019-06-13 5:52 AM
Please log your issue in dedicated Motor Control forum (link is provided on the MC Suite home page: https://www.st.com/st-mc-suite/home)
2019-06-13 6:03 AM
OK, I managed to import the project generated by MCSDK into CubeIDE. My problem is clearly written in the "Release Notes for X-Cube-MCSDK" on page 10.
So I managed to import the project with these points:
1. In STM32 Motor Control Workbench, when generating or updating a project, choose either ST SW4 STM32 or ST TrueSTUDIO as the Target Toolchain. Note: STM32G4 based projects cannot be generated with TrueSTUDIO.
2. Open STM32CubeIDE, go to the File menu and select the "Open Projects from File System..." item.
3. In the dialog that opens, click the "Directory..." button on the "Import source" line. Navigate to the directory that contains the generated project and select it.
4. The Dialog should now propose two projects for import. Select only the one that has the "Convert 'TrueSTUDIO..." or "Convert 'System Workbench...'" mention in the "Import as column". The other one must not be selected.
5. the imported project should build and run as expected.
When I launch the "build" it ends WITHOUT errors. but when I start Debug there is still an attempt to "build" but this error occurs:
2019-11-25 8:16 AM
use System Workbench for STM32 (SW4) and FW V1.11.0 !
That was the only possibility that worked.
2021-05-12 6:33 AM
I found out that I had to add ":lib" as a prefix to the name of the library. For example, if the lib name is "SensoryLib.a", I have to add ":libSensoryLib.a" to the MCU GCC linker Libraries box.
2021-06-22 1:31 AM
The question has been moved from the section "Motor Control Hardware" to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards