2021-11-18 08:36 PM
in fuction:
uint16_t R3_2_SetADCSampPointSectX( PWMC_Handle_t * pHdl )
/* sector number needed by GetPhaseCurrent, phase A and B are sampled which corresponds
* to sector 4 */
pHandle->_Super.Sector = SECTOR_4;
Phase A and B is corresponding to sector 4 or 5.
in sector 4 or 5 as the picture below,to avoid sample the phase C whose duty cycle is close to 100%,I think it should sample phase B and C instead of phase A and B.why.
2021-11-24 10:52 PM
Current should be sampled when the corresponding phase is OFF, the low-side power switch is ON and current flows through the shunt resistor. In sector 4 or 5, phase C could be almost ON, duty cycle close to 100% as you mentioned, that is, the minimum required sampling time may not be allowed for phase C (but guaranteed at phase A and B).